What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is one of the oldest, most widely used medical treatment systems in the world. It originated in China over 3,000 years ago and has gained popularity in North America within the last three decades. Acupuncture is the insertion of fine needles into the body at unique points for treating specific health problems.
How Does Acupuncture Work?
Modern western medical sciences have provided several theories on the healing effects of acupuncture on the body. One theory suggests that acupuncture stimulates the production of naturally occurring opiate substances in the body called endorphins. Another theory suggests that acupuncture has an effect on the nervous system therefore blocking pain impulses from traveling to the spinal cord or the brain. Traditionally, acupuncture is based on the Chinese theory of the movement or flow of Qi (pronounced “chee”) or energy and Xue (Blood) through specific meridians. These meridians or channels cover the body much like the nervous and blood vessel systems. According to this theory, acupuncture enables Qi and Blood to flow to where it is Deficient and away from where it is in Excess. Acupuncture therefore regulates and re-establishes the energetic balance of the body.
What Can Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs Treat?
The World Health Organization has recognized acupuncture and Oriental medicine effective in the treatment of the following ailments. Both Dr. Sloves and Dr. Joachim have successfully treated patients suffering with the following conditions and many others:
Stress: anxiety, insomnia, headaches, irritability, depression, low energy...
Joint/Muscle Pain: back and neck pain, tingling and numbness, shoulder/arm/hand pain (“frozen shoulder”), arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, hip/knee/ankle/foot pain, tennis elbow and other sports injuries...
Headaches and Migraines: hypertension, dizziness, vertigo...
Gastrointestinal disorders: constipation/diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), indigestion, ulcers, gastritis, acid reflux…
Respiratory disorders: sinusitis, allergies, asthma, bronchitis… Common colds: fever/chills, nasal congestion, sore throat, decreased immune system function…
Gynecological disorders: irregular periods, PMS, menopausal symptoms, infertility, cramping (dysmenorrhea)...
Addictions: nicotine, alcohol and other drugs.
About Chinese Herbology:
Chinese herbal formulas are an integral part of traditional Chinese medical treatment. Herbal formulas refer to the use of various plant's berries, leaves, roots, bark and seeds for medical purposes. Herb formulas are prescribed according to the individual's unique pattern of organ disharmony. Acupuncture and herbal formulas together more effectively address the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the body. Herbs have been successfully used in medicine for thousands of years in Asia and other parts of the world.
What do the needles feel like?
Needle insertions are typically painless. Acupuncture needles are felt very differently by each person. Most people feel either heaviness, distention, heat/cold or a sensation traveling up or down the affected meridian. This is an indication of proper needle placement and positive body reaction to the stimulus. Many people report feeling especially relaxed during a treatment. If noticeable pain is experienced during a treatment, inform the practitioner immediately.
In addition to traditional acupuncture with needles, Dr. Sloves is also certified in electrical acupuncture and auriculotherapy which utilizes a hand-held device that focuses on points on the ear. Auriculotherapy is ideal in many cases where the symptomatic area is too painful to utilize needles so that points on a distant area (the ear) can be treated. Auriculotherapy is also extremely effective in treating addictions such as smoking, and many of Dr. Sloves' patients have stopped smoking in just 1-2 treatments!
" I can’t believe it’s almost four years since my last cigarette. After smoking two packs a day for forty years, I never thought I’d be smoke free. Hypnosis, gum and the patch all proved to be unsuccessful methods. One day I was venting my frustration with a friend and he mentioned acupuncture. Being a skeptic, I began laughing. He then told me how successfully it worked for several of his friends. I figured I had nothing to lose. He gave me your name and after two visits, smoking was history.
Thank you,
Dave S.
"I started smoking when I was a teenager and have smoked 1-2 packs/day since. I have tried quitting cold-turkey several times before but it never really worked, tried the gums, patches…After coming to you for chiropractic care for my neck, I learned about acupuncture for smoking so I decided to give it a try. It amazes me that I actually stopped smoking in just 2 treatments and I have not smoked in several years. Thanks Dr. Sloves for giving me my lungs and my life back!"
What Does A Typical Visit Consist Of?
Traditional Chinese medicine takes a holistic approach to patient care. Your practitioner will ask for a detailed history, and may examine your tongue and your pulse. These important diagnostic tools are used to formulate an individualized diagnosis and treatment. Depending on the diagnosis and condition, needles are then inserted into specific acupuncture points. Additional techniques may be used to enhance the effect of the acupuncture treatment such as moxabustion (heat therapy), electro-acupuncture, cupping (suction therapy), guasha and the use of magnets. Each session lasts between 45-60 minutes. Acute conditions may be treated in 1 to 2 visits whereas chronic conditions may take longer. Both practitioner and patient should mutually agree upon the treatment plan. Do not hesitate to ask questions about any aspect of the treatment.
Acupuncture Testimonials
"I have been a chiropractic patient of Dr. Sloves for many years and decided to incorporate acupuncture into my treatment to help with asthma and sinus problems that I have had since childhood. The acupuncture sessions were extremely relaxing and not painful at all. As a result, my chronic congestion resolved and my asthma has been virtually non-existant".
"I developed frozen shoulder syndrome and Dr. Sloves suggested that in addition to chiropractic care and physical therapy that I also give acupuncture a try. Surprisingly after the first treatment I was able to move my arm better and my motion continued to improve after only a few treatments. I was told that Frozen Shoulder could take 1-2 years to improve but it really only took me a few months to be back to normal!"
J. S.